- decode
int decode(size_t cycles, jwt_alg alg, string token, string secret)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- encode
int encode(size_t cycles, jwt_alg alg, string payload, string secret)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- jwt_add_grant
int jwt_add_grant(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant, const(char)* val)
Add a new string grant to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_grant_bool
int jwt_add_grant_bool(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant, int val)
Add a new boolean grant to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_grant_int
int jwt_add_grant_int(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant, c_long val)
Add a new integer grant to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_grants_json
int jwt_add_grants_json(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* json)
Add grants from a JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_add_header
int jwt_add_header(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header, const(char)* val)
Add a new string header to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_header_bool
int jwt_add_header_bool(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header, int val)
Add a new boolean header to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_header_int
int jwt_add_header_int(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header, c_long val)
Add a new integer header to this JWT object.
- jwt_add_headers_json
int jwt_add_headers_json(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* json)
Add headers from a JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_alg_str
const(char)* jwt_alg_str(jwt_alg_t alg)
Convert alg type to it's string representation.
- jwt_decode
int jwt_decode(jwt_t** jwt, const(char)* token, const(ubyte)* key, int key_len)
Verify an existing JWT and allocate a new JWT object from it.
- jwt_del_grant
int jwt_del_grant(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Delete a grant from this JWT object.
- jwt_del_grants
int jwt_del_grants(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Delete a grant from this JWT object.
- jwt_del_headers
int jwt_del_headers(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header)
Delete a header from this JWT object.
- jwt_dump_fp
int jwt_dump_fp(jwt_t* jwt, FILE* fp, int pretty)
Output plain text representation to a FILE pointer.
- jwt_dump_str
char* jwt_dump_str(jwt_t* jwt, int pretty)
Return plain text representation as a string.
- jwt_dup
jwt_t* jwt_dup(jwt_t* jwt)
Duplicate an existing JWT object.
- jwt_encode_fp
int jwt_encode_fp(jwt_t* jwt, FILE* fp)
Fully encode a JWT object and write it to FILE.
- jwt_encode_str
char* jwt_encode_str(jwt_t* jwt)
Fully encode a JWT object and return as a string.
- jwt_free
void jwt_free(jwt_t* jwt)
Free a JWT object and any other resources it is using.
- jwt_free_str
void jwt_free_str(char* str)
Free a string returned from the library.
- jwt_get_alg
jwt_alg_t jwt_get_alg(jwt_t* jwt)
Get the jwt_alg_t set for this JWT object.
- jwt_get_alloc
void jwt_get_alloc(jwt_malloc_t* pmalloc, jwt_realloc_t* prealloc, jwt_free_t* pfree)
Get functions used for allocating and freeing memory.
- jwt_get_grant
const(char)* jwt_get_grant(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of a string grant.
- jwt_get_grant_bool
int jwt_get_grant_bool(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of an boolean grant.
- jwt_get_grant_int
c_long jwt_get_grant_int(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of an integer grant.
- jwt_get_grants_json
char* jwt_get_grants_json(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of a grant as JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_get_header
const(char)* jwt_get_header(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header)
Return the value of a string header.
- jwt_get_header_bool
int jwt_get_header_bool(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header)
Return the value of an boolean header.
- jwt_get_header_int
c_long jwt_get_header_int(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header)
Return the value of an integer header.
- jwt_get_headers_json
char* jwt_get_headers_json(jwt_t* jwt, const(char)* header)
Return the value of a header as JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_new
int jwt_new(jwt_t** jwt)
Allocate a new, empty, JWT object.
- jwt_set_alg
int jwt_set_alg(jwt_t* jwt, jwt_alg_t alg, const(ubyte)* key, int len)
Set an algorithm from jwt_alg_t for this JWT object.
- jwt_set_alloc
int jwt_set_alloc(jwt_malloc_t pmalloc, jwt_realloc_t prealloc, jwt_free_t pfree)
Set functions to be used for allocating and freeing memory.
- jwt_str_alg
jwt_alg_t jwt_str_alg(const(char)* alg)
Convert alg string to type.
- jwt_valid_add_grant
int jwt_valid_add_grant(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant, const(char)* val)
Add a new string grant requirement to this JWT validation object.
- jwt_valid_add_grant_bool
int jwt_valid_add_grant_bool(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant, int val)
Add a new boolean required grant to this JWT validation object.
- jwt_valid_add_grant_int
int jwt_valid_add_grant_int(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant, c_long val)
Add a new integer grant requirement to this JWT validation object.
- jwt_valid_add_grants_json
int jwt_valid_add_grants_json(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* json)
Add required grants from a JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_valid_del_grants
int jwt_valid_del_grants(jwt_valid_t* jwt, const(char)* grant)
Delete a grant from this JWT object.
- jwt_valid_free
void jwt_valid_free(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid)
Free a JWT validation object and any other resources it is using.
- jwt_valid_get_grant
const(char)* jwt_valid_get_grant(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of a string required grant.
- jwt_valid_get_grant_bool
int jwt_valid_get_grant_bool(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of an boolean required grant.
- jwt_valid_get_grant_int
c_long jwt_valid_get_grant_int(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of an integer required grant.
- jwt_valid_get_grants_json
char* jwt_valid_get_grants_json(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, const(char)* grant)
Return the value of a grant as JSON encoded object string.
- jwt_valid_get_status
uint jwt_valid_get_status(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid)
Return the status string for the validation object.
- jwt_valid_new
int jwt_valid_new(jwt_valid_t** jwt_valid, jwt_alg_t alg)
Allocate a new, JWT validation object.
- jwt_valid_set_headers
int jwt_valid_set_headers(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, int hdr)
Set validation for replicated claims in headers.
- jwt_valid_set_now
int jwt_valid_set_now(jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid, time_t now)
Set the time for which expires and not-before claims should be evaluated.
- jwt_validate
uint jwt_validate(jwt_t* jwt, jwt_valid_t* jwt_valid)
Validate a JWT object with a validation object.
- main
int main(string[] args)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- validate
int validate(size_t cycles, jwt_alg alg, string token, string secret)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
JWT Validation exception types. These are bit values.
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.