OPTIONAL Array of additional claims to include in the JWT's header like for example "kid" or "cty"; pass <code>NULL</code> if you don't wish to add any! <p>
Avoid header claims such as <code>typ</code> and <code>alg</code>, since those are written by the encoding function itself.
@see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.7
OPTIONAL Array of additional claims to include in the JWT's header like for example "kid" or "cty"; pass <code>NULL</code> if you don't wish to add any! <p> Avoid header claims such as <code>typ</code> and <code>alg</code>, since those are written by the encoding function itself. @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.7